Travel to Florence the artistic city

Florence the Renaissance city

I have been contemplating for long to visit Florence and see the Renaissance art live. I also wanted to visit the famous Cathedral of Florence. There are other things also; most famous is the male figurine “David” by Michelangelo.  Florence has historically been a democratic place with freedom for creativity, and gave rise to exceptional inventors and artists. One of them was a genius par excellence. He was an inventor, and artist and painter and a designer too. Yes I am talking about the enigmatic Leonardo Da Vinci. You can see his work “Annunciation” here too.

I started off by seeing the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Flore. Even from outside the structure took my breath away. It was difficult to take my eyes off the magnificent structure. The guide pushed me inside and behold, the inside was like a dream. It was two-hour tour inside but the time passed as if it was 10 seconds. I was awestruck by the artistic murals and the glass paintings. It is indeed a great work of art.

The next stop on the first day was the Academia museum the home of “David”. The first male nude sculpture is a wonderful piece of art. It is not erotica but simply art. I visited the whole gallery and saw many great pieces of art in White marble. It was a day I will always remember. It is imprinted on my soul. I took some wonderful photographs.There were many things to see, but that would be the second day in the wonderful city Florence.

One thought on “Travel to Florence the artistic city

  1. If you want to see the start of the Renaissance, go to Santa Maria del Carmine to see Masaccio’s frescoes that were the initial inspiration of Michelangelo and a host of other artists. I could also suggest Medici Palace, and Benozzo Gozzoli’s chapel (but it is closed on Wednesdays, I believe). While Masaccio was the founder of the humanistic branch of the Renaissance, Gozzoli is a great way to see its decorative side )

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